Solidarity Against Comcast’s Assault on the Civil Rights Bill of 1866

Byron Allen - Urban Mediamakers

On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, Comcast/NBCUniversal is going before the Supreme Court of the United States to destroy the Civil Rights Bill of 1866. The company is asking SCOTUS to change the law to require a plaintiff to prove that 100% of the reason discrimination occurred was because of race.

The Urban Mediamakers stand in solidarity with women, LGTBQ, African-Americans, Blacks, Asian, Latinx, Indian, American Indian, other people of color and media mogul Byron Allen to fight Comcast/NBCUniversal blatant assault on the Civil Rights Bill of 1866.

There is a Solidarity Against Comcast’s Assault on the Civil Rights Bill of 1866 Protest Rally on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at the Supreme Court of the United States building in Washington, DC. Register today and help us spread the word –

About Larry Joe "Wings" Howard

Native of Atlanta, Georgia, a proud black man who loves his family and believes in civil rights, social justice and my rights as a citizen of the United States.

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